Wednesday, December 21, 2005


you need to whisper
don't accept me - it's more about where i am going - so different without you - come closer - so you're not angry? - i'm not done growing yet - he looks crazy to me - i'd like to be lost with you - i hate everyone, i hate everything, say sandwich, don't look at it, thursday?, that's not mine, mine!, give me that - just when we have become close, you have to leave - to me they are the only real things in the world - i would be lost without you - you have become a ghost - now now now - the only thing i want, i can't have - what is it like out there? - how do i look in your eyes? - just hold me - you couldn't have known - i wish we could talk like we used to - i'm here - i just want to go home -I don't want to forget you -i was lonely for something i forgot about - please forgive me if i take you for granted

for sam brown's drawings

For page after page our characters exchange comments that are insignificant but heavy with desolate unhappiness: 'Are you cold?' 'No, I'm not cold.' 'Would you like some tea?' "No thanks.' 'Are you tired?' "I don't know. Yes, perhaps I'm a bit tired.' This is how our characters talk. They talk like this because they don't know how to talk anymore. Little by little the most important matters, the most terrible confessions, come out: 'You killed him?' 'Yes, I killed him.'

natalia ginzburg 'Silence'