Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a way with a file

Dog Gone Wrong

Slack up on the rope and she's bound to roam
Pulling up/out stakes/steaks and spitting out the bone
Give her an inch, she's looking for a mile
Give her a cake she's looking for a file
Give her a kiss, she's gonna suck the gold right out of your mouth
Give her a car and she'll be headed South

Guy Clark, She Aint Goin Nowhere Tabs, Chords, Lyrics

And the wind had its way with her hair.
And the blues had a way with her smile.
And she had a way of her own.
Like prisoners have a way with a file.

                       G          D(5) G/d(3) D
Well the wind had its way with her h---ai---r
Em A D
And the blues have a way with her smile
G D(5) G/d(3) D
And she had a way of her o----w-----n
Like prisoners have a way with a file

what does that mean, what is a prisoner's way with a file ~ covert ~ secreted away, privately held, ~ nourished (worked at little every day)

..the water

You left the water running, when you left me alone.
Dan Penn

You don't miss your water, 'til your well run dry.
William Bell

The Jeannie C.

Composed by Stan Rogers | © Fogarty's Cove Music

Come all ye lads, draw near to me, that I be not forsaken
This day was lost the Jeannie C. and my living has been taken

I'll go to sea no more

We set out his day in the bright sunrise, the same as any other
My son and I and old John Price in the boat named for my mother

I'll go to sea no more

Now it's well you know what the fishing has been, it's been scarce and hard and cruel

But this day, by God, we sure caught cod, and we sang and we laughed like fools

I'll go to sea no more

I'll never know what it was we struck, but strike we did like thunder
John Price give a cry and pitched overside. Now it's forever he's gone under

I'll go to sea no more

Now a leak we've sprung, let there be no delay if the Jeannie C. we're saving John Price is drown'd and slip'd away.
So I'll patch the hole while you're bailing

I'll go to sea no more

But no leak I found from bow to hold. No rock it was that got her
But what I found made me heart stop cold, for every seam poured water

I'll go to sea no more.

My God, I cried as she went down. That boat was like no other
My father built her when I was nine, and named her for my mother

I'll go to sea no more

And sure I could have another made in the boat shop down in Dover
But I would not love the keel they laid like the one the waves roll over

I'll go to sea no more

So come all ye lads, draw near to me, that I be not forsaken

This day was lost the Jeannie C. and my whole life has been taken

I'll go to sea no more

to-me classic. like Annabelle Lee, like The Highway Man. all hit same note? what note? Red-Headed Stranger, too. a story, about the past: I once loved, now over.
and the sea. Wreck of the Deutschland. My God, My God.
and, "So my friend carry me down to the water's edge And then sail with me out to that ocean deep And let me go easy down over the side And remember me to her."
parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

very classic, very pretty: no more. to sea. I'll go.